Create better. Multimodal.
  • Insights
  • services
with personal data

  • Tooling and data services to understand and improve travel behavior.
  • Leverage on detailed knowledge of individual travel and whereabouts.

Dutch Mobility Dashboard

4-week trendline Dutch modal split

Percentage of journeys with a specific modality per day

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Are you engaged in?

And are you in need of?


To capture the 24×7 mobility behaviour of your specific target group. How do these people travel, where do they stay and what activities do they enjoy over time.

Mulitmodal mobility insights

To leverage on our existing large-scale panels to assess and analyse representative travel, transfer, stay, activity and impact trends.

Mobility engagement

To stimulate and incentivise sustainable travel decisions in smart city environments and achieve lasting behavioural change.

Personalisation cabilities

To leverage on contextual and behavioural data to offer hyper-personalised information and loyalty benefit services to your userbase.

Trusted solution partner

To help and support you in achieving your mobility goals with reliable technology, secure way-of-working and proven know-how.


Cost-effective mobility knowledge

We provide you a full-service to collect and manage a detailed data set of the travel behaviour of your target groups.

Meet our turn-key all-in-one tracker app SESAMO here.

Low sweat app integration model. As white-label mobility service provider we go at length to make the integration with your apps, services or software systems as easy as possible. 

Our operations centre featuring a high availability, scalable data processing infrastructure gives you economies of scale and scope and prevents costly investments.

Modular service options. Both in data collection, processing engines and analysis. 

Global application. For longer or shorter periods. For small or very large groups.

All the data directly at your fingertips. Build on either standardised or custom output. 

Data services that takes you further

Detailed data on the exact whereabouts of your target group and their decision making.

The complete picture featuring trips, modality transfers, stays and activities. Solid ground for travel impact assessments.

State-of-the-art, customisable travel data enhancement, processing and enrichment based on advanced learning algorithms.

Flexible integration API’s and exporting.

In-the-moment, situational experience sampling add-on to give qualitative, survey-style context answers.

Spot-on personalised user nudging, coaching and rewarding engine based on latest behavioural change theory and techniques.

Safe and reliable service delivery

Over 10 years of operational experience.

ISO 27001:2013 Information Security certified.

GDPR compliant operation and privacy focus.

Transparent and conscientious way-of-working.

Driven by deep technical knowledge and know-how.

A technical helpdesk at your service.

We are Mobidot

We support clients by providing relevant data and information, unique functionality and optimal experience to their customers and users based on knowledge of individual travel behaviour, situation and context. 

We are proud to be a leading company in this field.

With our services new possibilities emerge to tackle the social and economic impact of mobility in a more human-centred way. We call this personal mobility.  Capturing personal travel and activity behaviour creates opportunities for public and private  companies to leverage on ‘floating people data’ and to provide benefits at the individual and the collective level. 

We strongly believe in the power of new ways of thinking enabling leading solutions and benefits to our clients. Primarily we do this by offering clients reliability. But we are also experts in innovation. Searching for what is possible, we help our clients to go further and walk new paths. Together. Therefore, collaboration and partnerships are key to us.

What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

Work at Mobidot

Join forces with our dynamic team and start working with us in a state-of-the-art technology environment to maintain and improve our leading home-brew software and big data platform. 

We have a variety of positions to offer at our office in Enschede, the Netherlands. Fulltime, part time of as a student.

No formal application forms needed. If you are ambitious, comfortable to work in a small team, want to work on top of technology and would like to contribute to solving societal problems related to travel? Just get in touch and start a conversation to see whether we match!  

Colosseum 44, 7521 PT Enschede, The Netherlands